Pride cometh before a fall. Honestly, when I read this title up for review by the TOS Review crew, I thought, “What mother doesn’t have a heart for her kids? Would I really need to read this book, if I wasn’t reviewing it?”
Short answer – absolutely.
Product Details
Written by Rachael Carman, homeschooling mother of 7, “How to Have a H.E.A.R.T for Your Kids” is a small (approx. 5” x 7”) hardback book containing 200+ pages of wisdom, inspiration, conviction and encouragement (and a couple of what I like to call “butt burning sermons” – you know, the kind that seems as if it’s directed solely to you?). Rachael covers five main topics, indicated by the acronym H.E.A.R.T.:
H - Have a Heart for the Things of God
First and foremost, it’s important to make Him first and foremost.
E - Enrich Your Marriage
My husband and I married late in life, and Punkin is a honeymoon baby. We had little time as a married couple before kids – nine months, to be exact, and in that time my husband broke his hip, so we weren’t even able to just enjoy my pregnancy. It seems like our married life started out as an out-of-control freight train, and the pace hasn’t slowed down since. It takes effort to remember that a great marriage takes work. This chapter was a great reminder that I need to focus on that area more.
A - Accept Your Kids
Wow. This was a big “ouch” moment for me. How many times have I thought I need to encourage my girls to “do this”, or “go there”, or “say that”, when I really should just sit back and enjoy who they are, as long as their speech and behavior is pleasing to Him.
R - Release Them to God
A gracious reminder that our children are loaned to us by God, to raise and teach them in His ways. We are to raise them, then release them to Him.
T - Teach Them the Truth
Rachel emphasizes how crucial it is for us, as parents, to teach our kids The Truth rather than allowing them to “learn it” through society or culture.
You can purchase How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids here for $13.
Company contact info:
Apologia Educational Ministries
1106 Meridian Plaza Suite 220
Anderson, IN 46016 US
Phone: (888)524-4724; Fax: (765)608-3290
What I like
Everything. The outside is lovely, and the inside is thought-provoking.
Due to its size, it was easy for me to grab when I was headed out the door somewhere to take advantage of “wait time.”
Love that Rachael Carman is a homeschooling mom in the homeschooling trenches with the rest of us.
I wish…
I wish Rachael had written this book years ago, before we began our homeschooling journey. I hate to think of what I’ve missed by not having a total God-focus while schooling (and loving) the girls.
I wish it was longer. I don’t often say this for a non-fiction book, but I hated reaching the last page.
Watch out for
Watch out for the fall - there will be something (probably several things) in the book that make you say “ouch”.
Be sure to
Review the book’s Table of Contents here.
Check out a sample chapter here.
Request a catalog here.
Be sure to explore the Apologia Educational Ministries website to see the many wonderful offerings by Apologia.
Final thoughts
This should be a must-read for all homeschooling moms.
Thoughts of my crew mates
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Disclaimer: As part of the 2011-2012 TOS Homeschool Review Crew, I received the product described in this review at no cost in exchange for my fair, honest and unbiased (and not necessarily positive) review. No other compensation was received.
Stopping by from the crew (saw your post about the black picture on the linky). I am following you now. I really liked this book too!
ReplyDeleteKaren @
I learned from that little book, too.