Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now WHERE did I put that?

Have you ever  done that?  Placed something in a “safe” place so you wouldn’t forget where it was, and then forgotten?

That’s been my afternoon.

The lost item? A Hobby Lobby bag containing the girls’ wooden cars for the Awana Grand Prix.  The cars that they designed, tirelessly worked to sculpt (with Daddy’s help), and lovingly painted, awaiting Daddy’s assistance with the final touches for the Awana Grand Prix race this weekend.

My dear  hubby searched this morning to no avail, and reluctantly broke the news to the girls that the cars were lost. 

This is the last year Sarah can participate.  Hannah has two more years, but early on she adopted the attitude of not caring how fast her car traveled, and only desired to design a memorable car.  What’d she choose?  A car in the shape of a Narwhal  whale.  (Have I ever mentioned the girls are science-obsessed?)   I was determined to find the mysteriously missing bag.

My house is now a wreck, because I pulled everything out of its place during the two-hour-long search.  I moved sofa cushions; looked under beds; looked in drawers and closets; checked their (admittedly) messy room; combed  through bookshelves; searched the crafts closet; everywhere I could think to look I looked.

Before I gave up, I chose to make one last-ditch effort to locate the bag – by praying.

Wait - why was praying my last-ditch effort?  That question both puzzles and distresses me.  Praying should have been my first action in the search.  

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.  Luke 12:7 (NAS)

If God takes the time to number the hairs on each child’s head, shouldn’t He care enough to help find a missing item to prevent a child’s disappointment?  Of course He does.

Then He said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.  John 21:6 (NLT)  

If God cares about which side of the boat we throw our nets, why wouldn’t He care about where the missing bag is?  Our Father cares about the little things.

If only we’d simply ask. 

So I asked. 

Father, my sweet girls have their hearts set on racing their cars this weekend.  Would you please help me know where to look so that I don’t have to disappoint them?  Amen.

I opened my eyes and thought for a moment.

Hmm, did I look behind the big comfy chair in the living room?  Stuff tends to accumulate there, close to the kitchen.

Turns out I didn’t look there, because there was the bag, covered slightly by a blanket.


Thank you, Father, for caring about the little things.  My little ones will be excited that their cars have been found.

Just ask.

1 comment:

  1. I've been there before! It's amazing how much more productive the search is when we've asked for help first! ;0)
